Saturday, November 28, 2009

Scrap Iron and the Snake Trak (Alpha class vehicle and figure)

G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra; what does it mean to you? To Hasbro it means marketing another legendary toy line that's entertained millions worldwide to a new generation. For the collector like myself it re-vamps a want to purchase new molds of fantastic characters, or as I call it "Moldtastic Plastic"...great title right? I amaze myself more and more :D. So we got a new movie by a huge toymaker who wants new and old fans to buy their new product making them feel like super company #1, tell me if I've lost you. Still reading? Well alright, lets talk character. How about an engineer gone bad like Scrap Iron. He's a repaint of his 25th anniversary mold, the only major change is the color of his uniform to match his vehicle. The comic 2 pack Scrap Iron had removable glasses- not this version. He's also missing what makes Joes so cool...weapons maybe? How about a trusty display stand? Not in this package. For this version we get the newly re-vamped "Snake Trak". This new version of the once Cobra "Ferret" is now upgraded with a front bumper and non working wench assembly. As for vehicle weapons, you get the front mounted double guns that turn with the handle bars, it would have been cooler if the whole front wheels, handle bars and guns turned at the same time. You also have two side mounted missiles and the new equipped spring loaded missile launcher. A nice update to a cobra vehicle that was first intro'ed in 1984. The "Snake Trak" is a alpha class vehicle set that ranges price wise about $17 and change after tax. For this set I'd rate it at a 8.5 out of 10. Pros: a vehicle and a driver. Cons: not a complete set without a figure stand and individual weapon for character. AK 74u by Marauders gun runners. I happen to like the combo of Scrap Iron and the "Snake Trak", it solved my issue of getting this figure since I passed on the other versions. A cool set, since a G.I. Joe figure alone ranges from $7.99 and the vehicle could be $10 dollars or more alone.  I can dig it.